Green Tips: What to Do with Stale Bread.

What better way to beat back a blue Monday than by making life a little greener? Being more eco-friendly often starts in the kitchen and is much more delicious than you might think!



Today’s green tip is about reducing food waste, specifically about what to do with stale bread. Whatever you do, don’t just throw it away! (Unless it’s moldy of course, in which case you definitely shouldn’t eat it anymore!) Bread that’s just gone stale and dry might no longer make for a tasty sandwich, but there are still plenty of ways to enjoy it.




What I usually do with slices of bread that have gone a bit (or even completely) stale, or that I’ve left in my toaster for too long, is make croutons, or pangrattato. Croutons are just fried or oven baked cubes of bread –  great for soups and salads – and pangrattato is a fancy Italian word for fried breadcrumbs. It’s also known as pauper’s parmesan and it’s amazing  sprinkled on top of almost every pasta dish you can think of. Make a basic version with just olive oil and salt or make it a bit more interesting by adding garlic and parsley or other herbs.


Croutons and pangrattato have become a fixed part of my repertoire, because they’re quick and easy and perfect if you just have a slice or two left over. If there is more bread to be used, there are also plenty of other ways to turn it into something delicious. Stale slices can be used to make a hot bread and butter pudding with raisins and cinnamon or a juicy summerfruit pudding stuffed to the brim with soft red fruit. Cubes of marinated bread also make a nice and crunchy addition to meat or vegetable shish kebabs and soaked bread can be used to make dumplings or to thicken soups and sauces.




And I’m pretty sure the list doesn’t end there. What do you do to save stale bread from the bin? I would love to hear your ideas and recipes!


13 thoughts on “Green Tips: What to Do with Stale Bread.

    1. Thanks, Asli! I like how bread can give “body” to a thin soup (like Gazpacho for instance), but I have to admit I’ve not made dumplings more than once (and that was a very long time ago). Do you just make them plain or do you season them with herbs or spices or something?


      1. There was one such recipe of Rachel Khoo that seasoned them with herbs. I first made those and continued to make other kinds of herbal dumplings, also adding spices (whatever I feel like) after that. 🙂

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